Frequently Asked Questions:

How many sessions do I need?

Even one session (A Deep Dive) can be very helpful in educating a client about what is actually possible. If a Coach and an individual decide to move forward on a Coaching package, generally there is a commitment to a minimum of 10 sessions required for services. The reason for this is Coaching is only as good as the commitment. Process Coaching is more time consumptive than traditional counselingĀ therefore all sessions are minimum of 90 minutes and can and frequently do of up to 120 minutes (2 hours). The processing part of Coaching is generally the most heavy lifting and everyone can be different on the amount of processing needed. Our goal is to processing the large Samskaras as much as possible but also to teach you how to process yourself so that if there is more processing needed after the 10 sessions you should still have a basic set of new processing skills. FYI there will always be a need for processing in our lives.


Which of these modalities of (Presence Ā Process, or Strategy) will I use in my Coaching Sessions?

ALL? A Few? It Depends. There may be choices as well sometimes obvious reasons to use one over the other. One of the reasons the drop downs give links to descriptions is so that clients can have an introductionĀ of different modalities, asl questions, get curious. If there is a specific technique you are interested in communicate this with your Coach. Generally your Coach will customize practices of presence, processes, and strategy based on your history, your preferences, belief systems, and generally what works. The advantage of having a large variety of modalities is that no one is exactly the same. There are specific reasons why one modality may work better than another for a specific individual.

Will we meet every week? How long does Coaching last?

A Coaching contract sets out a 20 week Coaching completion requirement that normally will be spaced out Ā to meet once every two weeks. This gives time to establish practices and digest processing done during sessions. However, it is common and frequently useful if and when a client is truly struggling to combine sessions or increase frequency of sessions in the beginning to accommodate MORE processing. A Coach's job is to help you facilitate processing but more importantly teach you how to process yourself so that you can build a stable of coping tools and be able to process yourself by yourself as soon as possible.